Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blogs and Reviews

We are always so excited and so inspired when fellow mom's try our product for review and are proud to announce a couple of special folks who are blogging about our paints! Please feel free to check them out and read for yourselves and remember, we would LOVE to get your feedback and photos for our wee can too blog!! You can email them to us at:
or just leave comments for us here!

Thanks so much everyone, without "U" there is no "Us"!

Special thanks to Karen for her awesome encouragement at:

Big Hooray and thanks to Lara at: http://blogginmommadrama.blogspot.com/2010/09/vanny-bean-organic-edible-paint-review.html

We appreciate you ladies gettin the buzz goin about us! Keep up the good work!

Sarid & Nichole
Wee Can Too

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Edible Paint Refills!

I am proud to say that we are growing and becoming more popular everyday! wee can too has now been branded after much thought and many labels, logos and designs, we have something that represents us and it is clean, simple, and concise- which is so NOT me, but sometimes that is a good thing. =) I do love it! Don't you?

We are also thinking of ways that we can help the planet and be as green as we can be. In order to do that, but also keep packaging our paints in those ever-so-handy, plastic tottle bottles (just squeeze and get paintin') we have created refills for our edible organic fingerpaints! They will be available soon, and in order to encourage folks to reuse their bottles, we will even take $1.00 off for the same amount of paint! What a deal huh?

You can pick up some of these paints, refills, and our new products coming soon at a local store in Eugene, Oregon or online at these lovely retailers:


We are so honored that you like us! Thank you for your business!