Many changes and growth are happening with wee can too! These are exciting times! We have just acquired a partner, who is jumping in to help this expanding enterprise and who is just as passionate about these paints as I am. We have been looking into packaging lately and trying to figure out what the best option is for you, the consumer, as far as convenience goes, but also being eco friendly.
Plastic is not the best for the environment, but if it is reused, it can be even better, since it wouldn't go in the landfills at all. We thought about eliminating the plastic all together, but so many of our fans love our easy dispensing tottle bottle that can fit so perfectly on your condiment shelf. So wee can too will be coming out with refillable tubes that will be inserted into the bottle, and to encourage you to all reuse your bottles, they will be an additional $1.00 less!
You will be able to find these refills in the same spot as the paints at our local stores and we will also be encouraging our wholesalers to carry them as well.
On a mission to help keep our earth green! Thanks for your help...
wee can too
art supply